Antoine Zammit
Antoine Zammit graduated in architecture and civil engineering with First Class Honours from the University of Malta in 2002 and went on to work as an architect on the Manoel Island and Tigné Development with aoM Partnership for just over two years. On this project he was also responsible for the design and detailing of five of the residential blocks and all the external paving and landscaping works for the Tigné South phase. Antoine obtained his professional warrant as a Perit (architect and civil engineer) in December 2003. In July 2004 the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom awarded him a scholarship to read a post-graduate MSc degree in Town and Country Planning, specialising in Urban Design, at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. He terminated this Masters course with a Distinction, and was awarded the prize for effort by the Bartlett School of Planning. His final research dealt with the potential application of urban design codes within the Maltese planning system. Antoine returned to Malta in October 2005 and joined TBA Periti, leading their architecture and urban design department. In May 2007 he was appointed Senior Associate within this same firm and was responsible for a number of projects of various scales. Antoine led teams at various project stages – from concept to fully developed architectural design, master planning and urban design to architectural detailing, and tender documentation to site work. The years spent with this firm allowed him to gain immeasurable experience in master planning and urban design, which complemented his post-graduate studies in urban design. Some salient projects he was responsible for included:
Design Competitions:
Since 2006 he has been lecturing and tutoring architectural students in Spatial Planning and Urban Design, as a Visiting Lecturer (2006-2008), as a part-time Assistant Lecturer (2008-2012) and currently as a full-time Assistant Lecturer. In this respect he also helped to set up the new Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Unit within the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at the Faculty for the Built Environment, University of Malta. Antoine was also elected on the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti in December 2005, within which he initiated and organised ‘Architecture Nights’, a series of architectural debates and encounters featuring a number of world-class foreign architects including Mario Botta, Edward Cullinan, Manfredi Nicoletti, Peter Lorenz, Richard England, Agnes Couvelas, Mario Pisani and firms KPF, BDP, MECANOO, Llewelyn Davies Yeang and Bennetts Associates. He was also jointly responsible for the setting up of DOCOMOMO_Malta working party [DOcument and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the MOdern MOvement]. He was further appointed on the Planning Appeals Board between 2006 and 2011 (on an ad hoc basis until 2010 and as a full member between January and June 2011). Antoine has organised, participated and tutored in numerous architectural workshops in Malta, Bulgaria and London, and presented papers in international conferences held in Copenhagen, Rome, London, Nottingham and Malta. He is currently completing his PhD research at the Bartlett School of Planning, under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Carmona and Dr. Elisabete Cidre, which examines the relationship between urban design quality and the development control process, using the Maltese planning system as a case study. This research explores the multifarious debates surrounding development control, urban design quality and the Maltese planning context. Using a mixed four-stage methodology comprising both quantitative and qualitative research tools, it subsequently develops ‘process’- and ‘product’-related analytical frameworks that respectively assess key themes within the planning process and the quality of urban design outcome on the ground. At the concluding stage, the research draws these frameworks together to determine their possible relationship and provide recommendations for future planning practice. In 2012, Antoine set up his own spatial planning and urban design consultancy, studjurban ( Set up with the prime intention of championing high quality urban design on the island, studjurban delves deep into what makes a place tick. It strives to achieve high quality design in practice through an iterative philosophy, linking research and collaboration to design and subsequently increasing awareness of place. studjurban is more than a design team – it grows organically, bringing together design professionals, policy-makers, communities and researchers. Its starting point is sound knowledge, which informs a collaborative approach to spatial planning and design. Through this inclusive approach, studjurban bridges the ‘theory-practice’ gap characteristic of conventional planning, giving added value to both process and product. |