Mediterranean Sustainable Architecture 2013
International Design Awards organized by Building Green Magazine ( The MEA2013 Awards is honoring the most innovative and creative design solutions that have been completed during the last five years in the Mediterranean zone. The goal is to enhance exchange of ideas on environmentally conscious design, and enrich the ecological sustainability approach. MEA2013 Awards is adressing all building projects completed in the Mediterranean zone and their designers, that have worked on projects of the following categories: civic | urban | residential | healthcare | cultural | leisure | commercial design. Projects completed during the last five years (after January 1st, 2007) are eligible for the MEA2013 Awards. Each participant architect, or groups of architects, may submit only one project, in digital format. The submitted projects must address the principles of sustainability, improving the quality of life for the occupants, combine ecological design with a heightened sense of creativity, maximizing passive energy innovations and balance aesthetic integrity and contextual sensibility with frugality and moderation in the use of forms and materials. After the closing date, in April 5th 2013, a list of entries that fulfill the terms and criteria of the Awards, will be initially selected by the curators. Shortlisted entries will proceed to the second and final stage of evaluation by the judging committee. All judges will examine and grade each project from 1 to 10, commenting on their decision. Best entries will be awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize (maximum 3 prizes) in each building category. The final results will be announced to the public and to the members of the honorary committee. Registrations and submissions will be possible through the MEA2013 official website (, and the servers will open for registration on the 15th of February, 2013 (Fee-free submissions). News, updates, latest comments and specifics for the projects and the proceedings will be available online and up-to-date at all times. Keep Posted!