Judging Committee
The members of the judging committee will examine shortlisted entries that fulfill the terms and criteria of the Awards, grade each project and comment on their decision.
Günkut AkinProfessor at Faculty of Architecture , Istanbul Bilgi University (since 2010); holds a professional degree in architecture from the Academie of Fine Arts, Istanbul (1974) and Ph.D. from the Technical University, Istanbul (1985); has taught history-theory courses in undergraduate and graduate levels in the same university during 30 years (1978-2008). Areas of interest varied over time from archaeological sources of vernacular architecture to the medieval and ottoman architecture of Turkey and lastly to its modern architectural culture . Besides the variety of these more or less empirical subjects, the epistemology of architecture remained his most continuous research area. His recent published articles include topics from the 19th and 20th centuries. gunkutakin@gmail.com, Turkey.
Ali Abu GhanimehHead of The Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering & Technology University of Jordan, Amman – Jordan
Antonio OrtizAntonio Ortiz is an architect by the School of Architecture of Madrid since 1971. He has been a visiting professor at the Lausanne and Zurich polytechnics as well as in Harvard, Cornell and Columbia universities as well as in the School of Architecture of Pamplona. He has held the Kenzo Tange Professorship at Harvard’s G.S.D. and since 2004 has been an honorary professor at the University of Seville and occupied the Catedra Blanca at the School of Architecture. info@cruzyortiz.com – www.cruzyortiz.com, Madrid
Panagiotis TournikiotisPanayotis Tournikiotis is the professor of architectural theory at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture. He has studied architecture, town planning, geography and philosophy in Athens and Paris. He has authored many books including The Historiography of Modern Architecture (MIT Press, 1999) and Architecture in our times (Futura, 2006). His recent work investigates the reinvention of the city centre in metropolitan Athens. ptournikiotis@arch.ntua.gr, Athens
Antoine ZammitAntoine Zammit is a practising architect and civil engineer from the University of Malta with a post-graduate degree in Town and Country Planning and a specialisation in Urban Design from the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. Antoine has worked on projects in Italy, the Republic of Ireland and Malta. He has recently set up his own urban design consultancy, studjurban (http://www.studjurban.com), with the prime intention of championing high quality urban design on the island. Antoine also currently lectures in spatial planning and urban design at the Faculty for the Built Environment of the University of Malta. He previously worked as a junior architect on the Manoel Island and Tigné Development with the Maltese consultancy aoM Partnership (2002-2004), was a Senior Associate at Malta-based architectural firm TBA Periti (2005-2010), was a member on the Planning Appeals Board (2006-2011) and a Council member of the Maltese Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers (the Kamra tal-Periti, 2005-2007). Antoine is currently completing his PhD research at University College London, under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Carmona and Dr. Elisabete Cidre, which examines the relationship between urban design quality and the Maltese planning system. antoine@studjurban.com, Malta